martedì 28 aprile 2009

Castello di Rossena (Re)

10 commenti:

Alks--Anna ha detto...
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RobertoTom ha detto...


No Rossena is in Marche "region" of Italy

Alks--Anna ha detto...

Are all your photos amazing!! Congratulations and thanks for the site. :))

p.s. a question, the town is stazzano?

Alks--Anna ha detto...

Thanks .. and sorry for the comment that annulled and set different.
I saw in google earth the other.
I'm happy to see the future and your other pictures!

my name is Anna and I am from Greece and the city Edessa. .

RobertoTom ha detto...


RobertoTom ha detto...

Anna Please

What is your I address e-mail?

My is:

Other photos are:

Alks--Anna ha detto...
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Alks--Anna ha detto...

after I got the mail will allow me to delete the comment for security reasons.

Good night!!
and see you!

RobertoTom ha detto...

Ok! Ciao!

Prasanth Iranikulam ha detto...

nice location, i think you will get some great photos from there

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Pausa pranzo La chiesetta di Montei